Black Eye Peas and Greens

These days it certainly can’t hurt to add a little luck and money to your dinner plate! Love this perfectly Southern recipe as a side dish or even a soulful soup.

Black Eye Peas and Greens

4 15.8ozcans Black Eye Peas
2 14oz bags frozen Collard Greens
4 c Chicken Broth
1 medium Onion (chopped)
1 c Ham (chopped)
2 Tbs. Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Hot Sauce to taste
1/3 c Pepper Vinegar
2 Tbs. Sugar
Coat bottom of pot with oil and add onion and ham. Sautee until onion becomes soft. Add the greens, salt, pepper, and chicken broth and cook until greens are tender. While greens are cooking strain and rinse black eye peas. Add black eye peas to greens and adjust seasoning. You may need to add a little water. Add sugar, hot sauce, and pepper vinegar and bring to a boil. Turn off and let sit for 30 minutes. Serve warm.


Black Eye Pea Salsa


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